Internal API

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Internal API

The internal API is for usage by the website of the ITR. It cannot be used from external websites, unless the flag ENABLE_CORS in the file instance/application.cfg is set to 'Y'. It is strongly discouraged to set this flag to 'Y' for anything else but developmnet systems.

The following API calls are available for the following roles (in case of doubt check the source code in the file on github):

Overview functions and login functions
Endpoint Role Description Headers Response codes Supported operations
test All Standard test page
copyright All Return the copyright information for this ITR installation 200 OK Get
companyname All Return the company name for this ITR installation 200 OK Get
login All Login endpoint UserID, Password, CompanyID (optional) 200 OK or 401 user not found in case user is unknown or user id/password combination is not correct Get
sendresetpassword All Send a reset password link via mail. The mail contains a URL with a token which is valid for 5 minutes. UserID 200 OK or 404 user not found Post
resetpassword All Reset the password. In case the account is registered with multiple companies then all these passwords will be reset UserID, Password, SessionID 200 OK or 404 user not found or token invalid Post
checktoken All Checks if the token is valid UserID, Password, SessionID 200 OK or 404 token invalid Post
logout All Checks if the token is valid SessionID 200 OK or 404 token invalid Post
audittrail regular_office_user returns audit trial SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
batteries regular_office_user returns batteries SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
educations regular_office_user returns educations SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
generatedreports regular_office_user returns generatedreports SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
groups regular_office_user returns groups SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
nationalities regular_office_user returns nationalities SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
organisations regular_office_user returns organisations SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
persons regular_office_user & test_taking_user returns persons. On post the login is created. For test_taking_user ONLY the DateOfLastTest field can be updated, the rest of the fields is ignored and no login is created. SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
sessiontests regular_office_user returns sessiontestsview, a combination of sessions, person, and sessiontests SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
sessiontestsview regular_office_user returns sessionsview, a combination of sessions and person SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
sessionsview regular_office_user returns sessiontests SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
groupsessionsview regular_office_user returns sessions ID,Description,active,AllowedStartDateTime,AllowedEndDateTime,readycount,inprogresscount,donecount, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
sessions regular_office_user and test_taking_user returns sessions. for test_taking_user ONLY the sessions of the test taking user are returned. SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
reportdefinitions regular_office_user returns reportdefinitions SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
companies master_user returns companies SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
creditgrants regular_office_user returns creditgrants SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
creditusages regular_office_user returns creditusages SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
creditusagespermonth regular_office_user returns creditusages aggregated per month SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
datagathering regular_office_user returns datagathering SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
rightstemplates regular_office_user returns rightstemplates SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
logins regular_office_user returns logins SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
tokens master_user returns tokens SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
systemsettings regular_office_user returns systemsettings which are NOT protected. SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
screentemplates test_taking_user returns screentemplates SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
tests regular_office_user returns tests SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
translations All returns available translations SessionID, CompanyID, StartPage, PageSize, Sort (optional), IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, SearchField (optional), TimeZoneOffset, Filter (optional) 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
Detail functions (view source code for exact implementation)
Endpoint Role Description Headers Response codes Supported operations
/audittrail/<identity> regular_office_user, Delete only for master_user returns audit trial entry information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/batteries/<identity> regular_office_user returns battery information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/educations/<identity> regular_office_user returns education information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/generatedreports/<identity> regular_office_user returns generatedreport information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/groups/<identity> regular_office_user returns group information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/nationalities/<identity> regular_office_user returns nationality information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/persons/<identity> regular_office_user returns person information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/sessiontests/<sessionid> regular_office_user returns sessiontest information for the indicated session SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
/sessiontests/<sessionid>/<identity> regular_office_user returns specific sessiontest information for the indicated session SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/sessionteststaking/<sessionid> test_taking_user returns sessiontest information for the indicated session, limited for this test taking user SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
/sessionteststaking/<sessionid>/<identity> test_taking_user returns specific sessiontest information for the indicated session, limited for this test taking user SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post
/sessions/<identity> test_taking_user, Delete only for regular_office_user returns session information. If test_taking_user limited for this test taking user SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/sessions/<identity>/groupmembers regular_office_user returns group member information. ID,EMail,FirstName,Initials, LastName,TitlesBefore,TitlesAfter, EducationID,OrganisationID, NationalityID,PreferredLanguage,Sex,DateOfLastTest, BirthDate,CompanyID, Active,ManagedByUserID 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/reportdefinitions/<identity> regular_office_user returns reportdefinition information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/companies/<identity> master_user returns company information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/creditgrants/<identity> regular_office_user, Post/Delete for master_user only returns credit grant information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/creditusages/<identity> regular_office_user, Post/Delete for master_user only returns credit usage information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/datagathering/<identity> regular_office_user returns data gathering information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/rightstemplates/<identity> regular_office_user, Post/Delete for organisation_supervisor only returns template information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/logins/<identity> test_taking_user, Post/Delete for regular_office_user only returns login information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/logins/currentuser/companies test_taking_user returns login information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get
/logins/currentuser/changepassword Any office user Changes the password SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient, old_password, new_password 200 OK or 404 token invalid Post
/tokens/<identity> master_user returns toekn information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/tokens/<identity>/<newcompany> master_user Switch the token to another company SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Post
/systemsettings/<identity> Any office user returns or updates a system setting. Protected parameters can ONLY be set by the supervisor. Parameters in the master database can ONLY be set by the master user. SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/screentemplates/<identity> test_taking_user, Post/Delete for test_screen_template_author only returns screen template information SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/tests/<identity> test_taking_user, Post/Delete for test_author only returns test information. test_taking_user does NOT get the fields norms, docuements, scorerules, graphs, requiredpars* SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/files/<company_id>/<maintainingObjectIdentity>/<fileType> master_user or organisation_supervisor_user or author_user or test_taking_user, Delete NOT for test_taking_user returns list of files for this test or object SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Delete
/filecopy/<maintainingObjectIdentity_src>/<maintainingObjectIdentity_dst> master_user or organisation_supervisor_user or author_user Copies the folder with media for all media types SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Post
/files/<company_id>/<maintainingObjectIdentity>/<fileType>/<fileId> All, Post/Delete only for master_user or organisation_supervisor_user or author_user get, update or delete the file SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post, Delete
/translations/<langcode> All, Post/Delete for master_user or translator_user only returns translation file or posts new translations for translation to the indicated language SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid Get, Post
/sendmail All office users Sends a mail SessionID, CompanyID, IncludeMaster, IncludeClient 200 OK or 404 token invalid or 500 in case of mail error Post