Introduction to the ITR system
Thank you for taking the time for working with or investigating the opportunities of the ITR system.
The ITR system is designed to facilitate all testing needs that you might encounter as a company or any other form of organisation. It facilitates a wide variety of tests, which can for example be an exam, a psychological test or a survey. The ITR helps you design and administer the test. The system is fully open source, so it fits your budget. If you want to you can get support from us (which you need to pay for) or ask your own IT staff to maintain the system for you. The ITR uses well know technologies and is designed as a low maintenance platform.
In the ITR you create a test session for a candidate.
A test session can contain one or multiple tests you want your candidate to take. A candidate is a person. This can be someone who applies for a job, a student, someone who needs to fill in a survey et cetera.
What is the main process ?
You as an ITR consultant will prepare a test session for the candidate.
A candidate will receive an e-mail to take a test on the ITR. This e-mail contains a URL, a login which is mostly the e-mail address and a password. You can invite a candidate by letter or any other means if you feel e-mail is not suitable. If you do not want to use the e-mail address for privacy reasons then you can use your own id.
With this password the candidate can login to the ITR and take the test.
If you are ready for setting up a first session then proceed to Your first test invitation. When the candidate is done you can login to the ITR and review the candidate's result or view the available reports.
The candidate's data never leaves the ITR system and is not sent via e-mail. The system supports you in complying with privacy laws like the GDPR.
Change password at first login
If you get an account for the ITR the first time you logon you will get a temporary password. You are required to change this password the first time you logon.
Please watch this short video on how to change you password the first time if you have any questions about that.
You can download this video from