Main Page
Welcome to the Internet Test Room (ITR) Wiki.
The ITR system helps you with creating, administering and reporting on basically anything that asks information from a person. This can be in the form of an exam, a psychological test, a survey or some other form of questionnaire.
You can support various business models with the system. Some common examples are the following. - You are a publisher and you want to sell your tests to your customers - A psychological testing firm that wants to test candidates - A school that wants to automate the exam process so less staff is needed and teachers have to spend less time on checking exams - A university that wants to give students access to a testing system so they can practice with certain tests - A company that runs surveys with groups of customers - et cetera
The ITR facilitates every step in this process and all roles which are often found in this process. - Candidate; a person that takes a test using the ITR system - Test taking support staff; a person that prepares test sessions for candidates and prepares the test reports - Test evaluator; a person that evaluates the results of the test and discusses this with the candidate - Question type developer; a person that developers new question types for usage in tests - Test Developer; a person that develops new tests in the ITR - Report developer; a person that drafts and builds the reports and graphs in the ITR - Test data researcher; a person that evaluates (anonimised) test results and asks a test developer to adapts the tests if needed - System maintenance engineer; a person that optimizes the ITR system for daily usage
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