Organisation menu
From ITR Wiki
Revision as of 10:33, 30 March 2019 by WordpressAdmin69 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===== Accessibility ===== These menus have limited accessibility as described below. ===== Explanation ===== In the Organisations menu you can find to links. * Manage co...")
These menus have limited accessibility as described below.
In the Organisations menu you can find to links.
- Manage consultants [only accessible for organisation supervisors and master users]
- Manage organisations [only accessible for master users]
- Server settings [only accessible for master users]
- Customer settings [only accessible for organisation supervisors and master users]
- Manage e-mail templates [only accessible for organisation supervisors and master users]
- Manage server e-mail templates [only accessible for master users]
Manage consultants
Manage organisations
Server settings
Customer settings
Manage e-mail templates
Please see the Settings menu for an explanation of mail templates
Manage server e-mail templates
Please see the Settings menu for an explanation of mail templates